Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    I don’t know of any Pride events locally this month but I know Hull’s is in July and Scunthorpe has theirs in August which we will be going to.
    I think the younger generation is way more open minded than the older generations.
    I love that Proud Parent T-Shirt. Becky was 16 years old when she decided she was gay and we have took it all in our stride too. It was a worry at first to how other people would take it but everyone has been accepting. Phew!

  2. Carol

    Unfortunately my state has become a terrible place for those who are different. Gays and blacks have been advised not to travel to Florida. People are moving out. I’ve been very unhappy about the anger and hate being expressed. I’ve lived in Florida since my 20’s but I’m not happy here anymore. #MMBC

  3. Jayne @ Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs

    I have quite a few gay friends, one being a bestie so I’ve been to quite a few Pride events in Birmingham and used to drink around there regularly too. I love celebrating diversity with them!
    I agree with Kim too, the issues do tend to lie with the older generations. x

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