Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    That is very annoying about the fridge freezer. At least now they’re both new they should last a long while and about the cooker too.
    Oh no! That is rubbish that the nurse rushed your treatment through. I hope you are feeling a bit better now. Sending love and hugs. x

  2. Karen

    Oh I know that feeling. One Oh For Goodness Sake after the other. It is indeed Murphy’s Law that both freezers would go separately. Sorry your treatment didn’t go as well. I hope you feel better next week and that Murphy takes his leave of you!

  3. Ruth

    It’s so annoying when appliances break down! Once one starts it’s like the others seem to follow. It’s happened to us and it’s made me wonder if the appliances were in cahoots.

  4. Jane - Our Little Escapades

    This sums up my life. Well, it feels like it. Always big issues to deal with no little ones. I would love an American fridge but I do think you have to build the kitchen around them. That’s bad about your treatment, why is that not in your notes? It feels like that is a very important bit of information. I hope things have been going better for you lately #WotW

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