Reader Interactions


    • Anne Sweet

      Thanks Sarah, I loved making and decorating cakes. I still haven’t decided on whether to make Star one or let her choose one from the supermarket yet. I better get a move on!

  1. Ruth

    I love the cake! It was my husband’s birthday the other day and I got a small store-bought one for him. I had too much going on and didn’t feel 100% plus I’m also not really great at cake decorating. I did make a Pokeball one for my son when he was little and I don’t think I have recovered from the stress of trying to make black icing without it running all over the place!

    • Anne Sweet

      haha, black icing is the worst, as is red, especially if you are colouring it yourself. These days you can buy them all colours ready coloured which makes it much easier. I’ve done a Pokeball cake and a Spiderman cake so I feel your pain.

  2. Joanne

    That is a lovely cake (though the ones you’ve made in the past are quite spectacular!). It sounds like he had a wonderful celebration.

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