Hello and welcome to the home of Word of the Week. A nice and simple weekly linky, with everyone welcome to pop by and share. The idea of the linky is to reflect back on your past week and share it with us. It’s great if you can sum it up in a word or phrase, hence giving us your Word of the Week. My word this week is ‘falling’ and you can read more about that below.
I’m not totally strict on using just a word or phrase. But please try to stick to the theme of summing up your week. There are not too many rules with this linky, just remember to read at least another couple of posts in the link up after adding your link. And please only add one post to the link up each week, multiple posts will be deleted. I will read and comment on all posts and tweet them out for you. I also have a Pinterest board devoted to Word of the Week. Please add the badge below to your post so that others may find us and join in. If you comment or tweet then please use the hashtag #WotW
Word of the Week is open from 6am on Friday Morning to 12 noon on Monday. Plenty of time to join in!
If you are unfamiliar with the Word of the Week linky then please feel free to ask any questions. New linkers are always welcome, we love to hear what you have been up to in the past week.
I try to be honest as possible online and sometimes this has made me seem to be attention seeking, or so others have said. But I need to be honest with you this week and I feel like I’m falling into a deep pit.
We had the Little Man’s birthday last week and our wonderful little holiday the week before. We also had a fabulous celebration for Boo’s 16th and the weeks of Summer are flying by. But, deep down I can’t get my head around what has happened.
Graham wants to come home now, He regrets what he has done. But the damage is too deep and I’ve been hurt too much. I’m also facing this difficult life alone now and I don’t know how I’m going to do it. I’m honestly terrified. The kids are growing up and I just need to hold it together for them. It won’t be long. But sometimes, it all seems too much and I’m falling fast. I have Star’s 18th birthday next week. How special is that. I can’t let my feelings get in the way, so I’ll paint on my happy face and get on with it. This pit can’t be never ending can it? There has to be a safety net somewhere.
I don’t want sympathy or advice. I just want to be quiet and live in the moment.
Now it’s over to you, what word or phrase sums up your week this week?
I’m sorry that you’re feeling like you’re falling into a deep pit. It’s understandable considering everything that’s happened recently but that doesn’t make it easier. It’s good that you’re able to be honest about things – I think it’s important to be able to be open and express these things as you need to. Sending a virtual hug your way and hoping that things will start to feel lighter for you as you keep navigating it all. Happy 18th birthday to Star for next week and I hope she has a good birthday. Lots of love xx
Thank you Louise, I’m sure Star will have a wonderful birthday. I can’t believe she’s 18 already x
What you choose to share – or not – is entirely up to you. For what it’s worth I think you have handled things with grace, diplomacy and honesty, at least on here anyway. If you’ve decided to have a complete hissy fit in real life so to speak I don’t think anyone would blame you. There has been an awful lot thrown at you, it’s not surprising you feel like it’s a bottomless pit but we are all here and we will find a safety net, or a ladder, or a trampoline or whatever to help get you out xx
Thank you Karen. I don’t think I’ve had much of a hissy fit anywhere. It’s just not me. xx
So sorry you are feeling like this and it is in no way attention seeking, it’s just you being real and honest. You have had so much going on over the past month or so no wonder you are feeling like how you do.
I hope Star has a wonderful birthday. xxx
Thank you Kim. I’m focusing on Star’s birthday, it’s special to be 18….I just have to keep an eye on her big sister who’s planning on getting her drunk!! xx
I’m sorry you are feeling this way Anne. You’ve been through so much, it’s a lot to process. I hope whatever the outcome, it’s what makes you happy.
Wishing Star an amazing birthday for next week. Sending love and hugs. xxx
Thank you Jayne, I’m sure Star is going to have a fabulous birthday, well I sure I hope so. xx
I always appreciate how you are open and honest on your blog and that’s one of the reasons I really love reading it. I’m sorry you’re feeling this way and it’s totally understandable given the fact that you have had so much to deal with. You are in my thoughts and prayers Anne and I’m sending you big hugs xxx
I hope Star has an amazing 18th birthday!
Thank you so much Ruth, we have a lot planned for Star’s 18th so I’m thinking I’ll be too busy to feel low for long. xx
I’m so sorry you’ve been struggling. I can relate, unfortunately. I do applaud you for trying to live in the moment and take each of them as they come rather than getting overwhelmed with thoughts of the future. I really do hope Star has a great birthday!
Thank you Astrid. I’m sure Star’s birthday will be good and as hard as it is I will get through this.