Reader Interactions


  1. joleisa

    Great to hear you could enjoy some of what brings you joy…shopping. I think I am ready now too. I would love to visit the German Christmas market if I can convince myself to be out in the cold! Marks and Spencer lunch sounds so lush too. Merry Christmas when it comes.

  2. Kim Carberry

    I am glad you have started to feel a little Christmassy.
    It is rubbish that our kids are no longer into toys. I do miss those days. It sounds like you had a lovely time out shopping. I hope you do get to the Christmas market. x

  3. Jayne

    So happy that you are getting the Christmas feels. I think a bit of shopping therapy always helps.
    I secured my Christmas food slot with a crate of beer! Thankfully I’ve added more now. 😉 xxx

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