Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    The Gousto boxes are so good for teaching people to cook! I am learning lots through them at my age. lol I always want to get the prawn dishes but my family are not keen on them. Hmmf. The fried rice looks so good.
    I have found with Gosuto to only add half of the chilli or curry to the recipe that it recommends.
    Well done to Boo and I am glad you enjoyed Gousto.

    • Anne Sweet

      Yes, we have our little cookbook with the easy to follow recipes, not like some boxes which have ingredients which are not fully explained, like packets of sauces with no reference to their contents. We really need to go through my big collection of cookery books though and try an find some recipes to try. The girls find them online sometimes, but I find looking for recipes online overwhelming.

  2. Sarah MumofThree World

    We’ve never tried any of the recipe boxes, but these all look really good and it’s great that it’s helping Boo be more confident in the kitchen. My daughter is nearly 18 and an amazing baker, but she can’t cook a single thing. She can just about boil a pan of pasta! She needs to learn a bit before she goes to uni.

  3. RachelSwirl

    I love how you’ve added green to each of these meals. Super healthy and rather delicious by the looks of it! Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.

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