Reader Interactions


  1. joleisa

    Fingers crossed that next week we will still have blue skies, but warmer weather and better health and wellness for everyone. We haven’t had any snow but it has been so cold that I’ve been angry and miserable sometimes despite my best efforts not to be. Have a good weekend too!

  2. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Sorry that you’re feeling blue this week. I don’t think the cold weather and this time of year helps. It’s been very cold here but we haven’t had any snow either. Hope that Little Man settles back in to home ed soon, that Boo adjusts to things at college, that Star is feeling better again soon and that next week will be a better week for you all x #WotW

  3. Kim Carberry

    We haven’t had any snow either, well apart from the a few flakes which didn’t settle. I have had a lot of snowy pictures on my FB memories.
    It has looked lovely outside with all the blue sky and sunshine, shame about it being so cold.
    Oh dear! Sorry everyone has been feeling blue. Good on Boo for sticking with college, it must be hard for her and poor Star. I hope she is feeling a bit better now. x

  4. Ruth

    It does sound like it’s very cold over there! I always complain and feel blue when it’s cold over here but I really shouldn’t because our winters are mild compared to yours. I hope next week is better and hopefully not as cold.

    • Anne Sweet

      We have had two storms in just a few days, I’m sometimes happy that I don’t get out much. I need to work on feeling happier things are falling into place, I just need to get my head together.

  5. Stephanie

    The weather has been insane. We have seeing in the teens and 20s most of the week with windchill as low as 0! That’s crazy for Florida. Hope you get some sunshine and warmth, soon!

  6. Carol

    Winter is my least favorite season. I’m no fan of cold weather at all. I hope everyone gets well soon, and that the weather warms up some for you. #MMBC

  7. Jane - Our Little Escapades

    So sorry that you are all feeling blue and struggling in your own different ways. I think it might have been a week for it as I had a bit of a blip last week. I hope things improve for you all soon. Was that the snow from the beast from the east? Our schools were closed for days, I don’t think we have had any good snow like that since then #WotW

    • Anne Sweet

      I think it was before the Beast from the East, We also had a lot of snow then but I liked the pics of the kids being so little, especially the Little Man up to his thighs in the snow.

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