Reader Interactions


  1. joleisa

    It sounds like you’ve had a mostly fun week. Lots of changes and I am so pleased for the little man. The shopping delivery change could come in handy one day as you say, but I wouldn’t carry on with it if I am going to be paying much more. Oh, your theatre trip sounds lovely too. I’ve never been to a live comedy show but the idea sounds inviting as we love to laugh ’round here.

  2. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    I hope Little Man is enjoying his new school. Wonderful that they plan to give him more help. I hope he thrives. I don’t think we can get Uber or Amazon grocery shopping here. It does sound convenient, even if it is a bit more expensive. Your theatre trip sounds like a good change. Before children we used to meet up with friends and go see comedians on a regular basis. Hope you have a good weekend. I’ll be picturing you speeding down to the corner shop in you wheelchair, after your bread! Thanks for hosting.

  3. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Glad Little Man seems happy so far in his new school and hope that it will be a nice supportive one for him. Sounds like you had a nice evening out seeing the stand-up comedian. That’s amazing that you can get shopping delivered so quickly even though it is expensive – good for an emergency though. Good job you had the 40% offer! #WotW

  4. Kim Carberry

    Ahh! I am so pleased your Little Man is enjoying his new school. I hope he continues to settle in well.
    Eek! Using Uber Eats does seem an expensive way to do your shopping but I imagine it could be so handy in an emergency. I could have done with them earlier in the week when I forgot to get a few things with our normal grocery shop. x

  5. Karen

    I think the last stand up comedian I saw was Peter Kay and that was years ago! Glad you’ve had a better week. Fingers crossed for Little Man and his new school. It’s a good start though. I wouldn’t pay the extra for the shopping all the while either but as you say it’s good to know for emergencies.

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