Reader Interactions


  1. joleisa

    Hey Anne. Quite a busy week with the doctors. Most pharmacies in my area have a delivery service which you can arrange especially if you are elderly or have mobility issues. It might be worth checking if yours do. And can you believe we have never watched an episode of Doctors? Anyway, I hope you get things sorted for everyone. Sorry you are losing your Saturday but try not to worry about the things you can’t change. Maybe see it is a day out and treat yourself to something.

    • Anne Sweet

      Hi Ladies, I don’t think you would recognise much from Doctors as they do tend to stay south of the city, they film a lot at the university and I’ve seen them in Cannon Hill Park. I didn’t mind my Saturday appointment too much, it went quick and even though we went to the wrong place it meant I got to spend sometime outside. They also took a lot of my blood 🙁 The rest of the day seemed to drag on forever, and there was me thinking that it would take up all my peace time! I do have the delivery service, but the prescription hadn’t been submitted. I’m not going cold turkey but rationing my pills so I’m taking less. I’m noticing.

  2. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Sounds like a busy and somewhat stressful week trying to sort out things with the doctors. Hope you manage to sort out a doctor’s appointment for Boo and get things sorted out with Star’s pills for her x-ray. Hope that everything is okay at your consultant’s appointment – I can imagine it is a worry with it being moved earlier. What a nightmare with sorting out your medication – hope you can manage to get the emergency supply before your medication arrives on Monday. I’ve never watched Doctors but it must be interesting seeing something like that being filmed locally. #WotW

    • Anne Sweet

      They moved my appointment because they needed blood tests, that’s all. phew! We were told that there would be no problem with Star’s pills but I’m so hoping that this xray tomorrow shows what is wrong, because I don’t think either of us can go on much longer like this 🙁

  3. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    That is a spanner in the works. Or maybe several. I hope all the logistics of your appointments work out in the end. Our surgery has a system of volunteer drivers who pick up people for appointments, but that may be well organized as we are rural and not all villages are linked together by buses. It’s a shame Doctors is cancelled. I used to love it when Casualty was filmed in Bristol and we could recognise the locations. Lost interest when it moved to Cardiff. Hope they replace it with something equally good. Thank you for hosting and I’m so excited to be joining in again.

  4. Valeria Redmill

    Hi Anne 🙂

    My “word” this week is actually a 2-word phrase: “multitasking ninja”: and both Holland and I filled the role at various times 😉

    It would seem, that your week also, kinda fits that phrase. LOL

    On an up-note … thinags WILL get better. Have a funtastic week ahead!

  5. Kim Carberry

    What a nightmare you have had with the doctors. Trying to get an appointment for Boo, the pills for Star and your medication. It sounds so stressful! I hope you have managed to get some things sorted now and your appointment with your consultant goes OK.
    I haven’t seen the TV show Doctors for years. I remember Christopher Timothy being in it and that’s going back some years. It’s a shame it’s ending as I know a lot of people who do watch it and it’s always nominated in the soap awards. It might end up like Neighbours where it’s axed and then gets brought back by another channel. x

    • Anne Sweet

      I do hope they change their mind about axing Doctors, just because they are a daytime soap doesn’t mean that they are not so good, they did try moving them to tea time but it didn’t work out, I guess there are just too many soaps to compete with. I recognise so many places they film. I’ve even been into the police station (which is real from the outside but looks like a studio on the inside because it’s nothing like that, ditto the university medical centre.) I’m trying to relax today before we are back at the hospital with Star tomorrow. Fingers crossed they can do something for her, she is so poorly at the moment x

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