Reader Interactions


  1. Joleisa

    There are days when I feel like this too. Thankfully I keep telling myself that it is only a phase. True, you must fill your cup, before you are able to serve anything to others. Hopefully the driving will become less stressful but again, I know exactly what you mean. Fingers crossed that things continue to go well for the little man. If only the school could get a good sense of the whole picture and what you are going through. It might just be a good idea to share it so that if an issue comes up, they look at it through the right lenses.

    • Anne Sweet

      Thankfully, the school are taking everything really slow and helping my Little Man every step of the way. I’m thinking we have made the right choice. Sadly, I’ve been trying to get him a place at this school for two years but they could only take him when it was named on his EHCP. Still, no point looking back, he could still have bright future.

  2. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Sounds like a week of ups and downs for you. I can see why driving in traffic and dealing with criticism has knocked your confidence with driving. Sorry to hear that you’re struggling with your mental health at the moment. It sounds like a good idea to focus on one type of therapy and I hope that you find it helpful. It’s good that Little Man is doing well at his new school so far and they sound supportive – I really hope that things continue to go well for him there x #WotW

  3. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    I’m so glad Little Man is enjoying the new school. I hope nothing happens to upset his time there. Some schools get it right and hopefully this is one of them. I read your driving post and it was really interesting. I hadn’t thought about you having no free hand at any point. I’ve always driven manual too, but our other car in automatic, so I’m going to have to get used to it at some point. I’m glad that you are getting help. Totally agree with the plane advise about taking the oxygen first before helping others. You look after yourself. Hope your week brings you joy.

    • Anne Sweet

      The having no free hands is really hard to get used to, it certainly makes you think about all those times when someone has not waved a quick thank you when you have given way to them…I physically can’t! I do kind of grin manically 😀 The Little Man is doing so far.

  4. Ruth

    I’m happy to hear that your Little Man is doing well at school and hope that the school continues to support him well. Sorry to hear about how difficult driving is (I went back and read your other post). I only drive in my local area and would never venture out anywhere past my comfort zone which is not very far! I can only imagine how difficult it must be to get used to using all the car adaptions and also concentrate on the traffic. I think you are very brave!! Sending prayers and hope you feel better soon xxx

  5. Kim Carberry

    I hope your Little Man continues to enjoy school, it sounds like they are doing all they can to help him.
    Oh no! That is a shame that you are not enjoying driving. Just ignore other people.
    Good luck with the therapy! You have had so much going on in your life over the last few years it’s no wonder you are struggling with your mental health! Sending love and hugs. x

    • Anne Sweet

      I’m silly for letting one person knock my confidence so bad, it’s a shame I’ve been too ill to drive since then. I really hope the Little man continues to be happy it’s lovely seeing him coming home with a smile on his face x

  6. Karen

    I’m glad Little Man seems to be settling into his new school, let’s hope they continue to be the right place for him. I’ve been driving for years and I hate traffic too. Seems everyone else is too concerned with getting where they want to go and not paying attention to anyone else! Good for you for seeking help. You cannot pour from an empty cup. You need to look after you too xx

  7. Anne Sweet

    Taking a break from driving for five years has shown me just how bad things have got, or maybe it’s just a confidence thing on my behalf. I’m so hoping this is the right school for the Little Man, he’s happy so far.

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