Reader Interactions


  1. Joleisa

    I love that word and the thought that goes behind it too! I always feel like I’m finding more and more things to be thankful for, once I stop to start counting. I am glad the Little Man is settling in. Long may it last.

  2. Karen

    That is quite a bit to be thankful for! It’s lovely that Little Man likes his school so much. I hope the Covid goes away soon and you feel better.

  3. Kim Carberry

    I am glad you have found some things to be thankful for.
    It sounds like the school are doing a good thing by taking things slowly with your Little Man. You don’t want to rush things. That is great that Graham is helping out with the school run. At least it’s one less thing for you to worry about.
    I am glad the Covid treatment has helped, I hope you feel better soon. x

  4. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    Finding the moments to see something to be grateful for is a real game changer, I find. Seems to be serving you well too. That is amazing that Little Man is feeling so comfortable at this new school that he wants to go back to full time. Hideous having Covid. Good job the hospital were able to give you the anti viral medicine. Hope you are feeling much better now. You have a lovely family and I’m sure they were more than happy to step up more and help. Rest up and take care of you. Hope you are having a good weekend.

  5. Jane - Our Little Escapades

    I love that you have been able to use this word for your week. I’m glad Little Man is getting on at his new school. I hope that continues for him. I didn’t know there was medicine you could have to help with covid. I know there are the injections but I haven’t really followed any advances in the treatment. I’m glad the NHS were able to act quickly for you. I hope you aren’t too poorly with covid #WotW

  6. Ruth

    That’s so great that your Little Man is doing well at school and is so keen to continue full-time. Those anti-virals are amazing and I’m glad that you were able to access them. Praying you continue to improve every day and get past horrible COVID soon. Sending warm hugs xx

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