Reader Interactions


  1. Joleisa

    Continue to give yourself time and grace to heal from your trauma. Your family is depending on you. Mothers’ day can come with a mix of emotions for real, I know about that from personal experience but motherhood is a lovely thing. Oh, this week I dreamt that I met you and it seemed so real, lol. I hope we get to meet one day.

  2. Kim Carberry

    I hope you get used to your new back to school time table soon. It’s not long until the Easter break, hang on in there.
    I am glad your Covid treatment went well.
    It must be strange for your Little Man seeing you drive, I hope he lets you drive him home soon.
    Sending love and hugs. x

  3. Ruth

    It’s good that you are being kind to yourself and giving yourself time to get used to driving and recovering from traumas. Grief and stress from traumatic events seem to feel even more intense when you are recovering from illness and also during events such as Mother’s Day. You’ve gone through so much and your kids are lucky to have a wonderful mum like you! Our Mother’s Day is in May and last year was a disaster for me as I spent the whole day crying and couldn’t get a grip! What’s worse is, we were celebrating at my aunt’s house and I was so embarrassed. Everyone was very understanding but I don’t want a repeat. So for this year, I have come up with a plan to get away somewhere overnight and just spend it with my husband and two boys and pretend it’s just an ordinary weekend. Praying for brighter days ahead for you Anne xx

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