Reader Interactions


  1. Joleisa

    Fantastic choice of word as it sounds like you and your family made good progress this week. So happy for you. Your son does sound bright and I hope he continues to do well. Hopefully, your daughter gets on the right course for her and gets the support she needs. We have the same problem with selling stuff too. Always get excited and spend money on stock but we are not good at marketing at all. I think that you could list things on places too, especially if you have boxes of the products. We do and really need to take some of our own advice.

  2. ratnamurti

    My word for this year is Renew. Badly needed, I might add. But I love Progress too. It mysteriously covers a lot of things without having to give an explanation…..

  3. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    Progress is always a good word. So pleased that Little Man is doing well. Must be good to know that he is not behind his peers. I’m sure your home schooling had a hand in that, even if it didn’t feel like it at the time. Boo’s course for September sounds very interesting. I hope she is looking forward to it. Well done on the driving front. That does sound like a lot of progress. The world will be your oyster soon enough. No advice on your on-line shop. Selling is not my forte, but good luck in finding a new avenue. Could you sell them as mystery packages?

  4. Kim Carberry

    Progress is a great word!
    It sounds like you are doing really well with your driving and well done to your Little Man. I am so glad he is settled in so well. How is it even possible that he’s at an age to pick his GCSE’s! Time flies.
    Good luck to Boo with college. It sounds like the course and support will be great for her. x

  5. Paula

    Great word Anne. Sounds like you did make progress. I do crafts and participate in vendor fairs, but I know nothing about selling online.
    Visiting today from PoCoLo #3&4

  6. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Progress is such a great word. I’m so glad you’re making progress with your driving and becoming more confident. That’s great that things are going better for Little Man at school and that he’s being offered help. He’s done well to not fall behind his peers too. Good luck to Boo with getting a space on the course at college. Hope things pick up with your online shop. #WotW

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