Hello and welcome to the home of Word of the Week. A nice and simple weekly linky, with everyone welcome to pop by and share. The idea of the linky is to reflect back on your past week and share it with us. It’s great if you can sum it up in a word or phrase, hence giving us your Word of the Week. My word this week is ‘return’ and you can read more about that below.
I’m not totally strict on using just a word or phrase. But please try to stick to the theme of summing up your week. There are not too many rules with this linky, just remember to read at least another couple of posts in the link up after adding your link. And please only add one post to the link up each week, multiple posts will be deleted. I will read and comment on all posts and tweet them out for you. I also have a Pinterest board devoted to Word of the Week. Please add the badge below to your post so that others may find us and join in. If you comment or tweet then please use the hashtag #WotW
Word of the Week is open from 6am on Friday Morning to 12 noon on Monday. Plenty of time to join in!
I also have a new link up open on Mondays for your recipes and food related posts. And, if you like to write bookish posts don’t forget my link up on my other blog At Home A Lot, Bookworms Monthly.
If you are unfamiliar with the Word of the Week linky then please feel free to ask any questions. New linkers are always welcome, we love to hear what you have been up to in the past week.
This week I was all set for TLM’s return to school on Monday when I received a text on Sunday Evening reminding me that it was an inset day on Monday and he didn’t have to go back until Tuesday. I honestly don’t remember having been told this. I guess I should pay more attention to weekly newsletter. So, he returned on Tuesday instead.
I also had a return to driving this week. I’d planned to spend most of the Easter Holiday driving but I’d forgotten that I’d be in hospital the first week and the second week I had a couple of days out planned where it was too far for me to drive, and, I need a rest day in-between doing anything else, so I didn’t manage to do any driving. This week I’ve managed the school run a couple of times though. I hope that the more I drive the more natural it will become to me. When you have driving lessons it’s generally once or twice a week. I just don’t think that my health would allow me to drive every day. It’s a real dilemma.
Boo had her return to college and even though she’s only part time I think she was glad to get out and see her friends again.
And finally, today, Star will be returning to hospital. It seems like a long time since she had an appointment. I’m not sure how it’s going to go though because what we thought was one clinic turns out to be another. I’m all for this digital notification and saving of paper, but I wish they’d give more details sooner. We’ve known about this appointment for months but just that she had to attend the hospital and what time. It was only the reminder on Monday that told us she would be going to the Urology department. It’s not what we were expecting.
Now it’s over to you, what word or phrase sums up your week this week?
Well done on getting some driving in this week. I hope TLM is happy with his return to school and with the school runs. I know what you mean about this saving paper. We are used to going to the City hospital to have our blood works done since they cant seem to find our veins at the surgery. Well, when I called to get a date yesterday, we found out you cant just turn up as we usually did. So they said they’d text us the appointment. When I got mine, it only had a date and time, no venue. Leisa’s text had a venue so no we are hoping its the same facility.
Hope Little Man’s return to school has gone well and that Boo is enjoying being back at college. It’s good that you’ve been able to manage the drive for the school run – hopefully it will start to feel more natural soon. Good luck to Star with her appointment today. #WotW
I’ve been caught out by inset days. Once I even took them in. They bring that up every so often. Always lovely to have a surprise extra day. I hope TLM has enjoyed his week and Boo too. Sounds like you are getting a routine that suits you all. Hopefully the driving will become run of the mill and you’ll barely give it a second thought. I hope Star’s hospital appointment went to plan and was helpful. Thank you for hosting.
I hope all is well with Little Man at school and that Star got on OK at her appointment.
It sounds like you are doing really well on the driving front. It will all come back with time, I’m sure. xx
Ahh! I nearly got caught out with inset days and was planning to send my youngest to college on Monday but she doesn’t go back until Tuesday. lol
I am glad you are back driving, it does sound hard to drive more and get the practice in.
I hope Star’s hospital appointment went well. x
Hope TLM is happy being back at school and that it goes well for him. It’s so annoying when they don’t give you all the information! Maybe driving a little and often will help with getting back in the swing. It’s good you can manage school runs. Glad Boo is back at college too.
Glad you are working on the driving. Hope all the “returns” went smoothly.
That’s so great that you are getting some driving practice. I hope that all went well with Star’s appointment.