Reader Interactions


  1. Jeannette Cripps

    Well done your Little Man, we haven't made toasted sandwiches for ages. They were definitely a "must have" when they first came out but it's been a bit neglected.
    T loves his toast so will have to dig it out.
    Thanks for the mention. Hubbie loves butter on his bacon sardines but I don't on mine as feel it's greasy enough already.

  2. Rebecca Beesley

    My mum used to have one of those sandwich toasters that presses them into shapes but she bought it second hand and it always looked a bit yucky so we didn't use it often. we got a panini press a few years ago and that have proved to be a good investment as we have phases of using it all the time and then it goes in the cupboard for a while but then comes out again for another burst of time. The kids used to love having mozarella, pesto and tomato paninis when we were homeschooling – Seeing your post just reminded me of that happy memory! xxx

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