I’m so glad the kids break up for half term today. We start the holiday with a visit to our local Brewer’s Fayre tomorrow to check out their new autumn menu. The rest of the week we are holding off on plans as I doubt we will be going out much, more about that in a minute.
On Monday I had to take Boo to the GP as she had been poorly since she came home sick from school on Wednesday last week. At first we thought it was a tummy bug, but it was strange that no-one else in the family caught it. I asked her teacher and no-one else at school had been sick either. We got through the weekend without her being sick but she was hot and obviously unwell. Then on Sunday she started complaining about her ear. So I took her to the GP who diagnosed a nasty ear infection, which probably explains the sickness too. She’s better now, but she’s had a tough time the last couple of months with tonsillitis and now an ear infection.
On Tuesday I had to take Star to the Children’s hospital for her long awaited appointment with the gastroenterologist. This was a very thorough appointment and we had lots of questions answered and a plan of action put in place on how to help her. The first step is a complete clear out which we are doing at home next week. This is why we won’t be going out if we can help it. Hopefully it won’t be as bad as I’m imagining. It’s not nice but it’s necessary. I’m so relieved that she is getting some help at last. Today we were sent through her next appointment, it’s 22nd December at 6.15pm. It’s going to be so Christmassy being in the City Centre at that time.
Then On Thursday I had to take my old cat Suzie back to the vets. We took her a few weeks ago because her left eye had become dilated and wasn’t shrinking back. The vet said she’d had a stroke and we should watch out for her becoming unsteady on her paws. Well, this week, her right eye became dilated and she became unsteady so we took her back. We were told she had tumor on her kidney and that the kindest thing to do was to put her to sleep. I wasn’t ready for this, she was still walking around, eating and drinking and not in obvious distress. So I brought her home with an appointment to take her back next week. I am heartbroken. I only lost her sister last month and now we only have a few days together. She’s getting plenty of fuss and cuddles and seems quite happy. I will take her back if she does get really ill though.
So, that’s my week this week, And to think my plans last week were to paint the living room!
Oh no, I am so sorry to hear about Suzie. We had to put our dog down a few months ago and it is heartbreaking. I hope you can enjoy your few days with her. I'll be thinking of you. Hope next week goes well for Star and Boo's on the mend now x Thanks for joining in with #WotW
Oh sending lots of hugs for your puss cat, that's such tough news and such a hard decision to make. I remember bringing my cat home for the night before we said a final goodbye when he'd been poorly and even though he bit me on the nose I really treasure that time x #wotw
Aww! Poor Boo! I am glad she's feeling better now!
I am so sorry to read about Suzie! It must be heartbreaking! Sending love and hugs!
I'm sorry to hear that you've been in and out of hospital this week and feel for you regards a poorly animal I know what it's like. #wotw