Reader Interactions


  1. Notmyyearoff

    It's definitely one of those weird kind of half terms. I feel like everyone's still getting going after the new year. I had all these plans in my head and we ended up doing about one thing! I hope you're in a lot less pain. x

  2. LittleLadiesBigWorld

    I think its hard with this half term between really wanting to make the most of it and the good old british weather! But it sounds like a perfect week to relax and unwind and sometimes they learn so much from doing their own thing I like to think it is just a different sort of experience x

  3. Jayne @ SMABL

    Sounds like the perfect week to me. I don't think you need endless days out to have fun. Sometimes a cosy day indoors with some baking and crafts, does just the trick!

    Hope the pain has eased for you.

    Thanks so much for being part of #MMBC. Hope to see you Monday xx

  4. Catherine

    This sounds like a wonderful week! I think that our lives are so busy now that hanging out at home is almost a treat. I wouldn't feel guilty about having a week like this :o)


  5. thefrenchiemummy

    The cake for your husband looks truly amazing! And yes half term is always too fast. It sucks when I have to go back to work… I am a teacher #PostsFromTheHeart

  6. susieweaver

    Sounds like you've done so much with your kids – so much baking and crafts – I'm in awe! Love the holidays too – am always gutted when they have to go back to school. #postsfromtheheart

  7. Em Linthorpe

    That cake looks amazing!! Wow! I think you've achieved lots – staying home is the new going out 😉 #PostsfromTheHeart ❤

  8. differentiationiseasy

    I think sometimes, time to relax, have fun and create indoors is exactly what they need. We too seem to have accomplished very little this holiday – despite going on holiday – but actually I think both the children (if not me – I have the attention span of a knat) have benefitted from the down time. I love the look of that baking, and I totally agree that no house can EVER have enough cookies in it. Thanks so much for sharing all of these lovely activities with us at #PostsFromTheHeart

  9. nurserywhines

    Half term always too long for me as our local toddler groups all take a break and we miss all our usual ways of keeping busy until bedtime. This cake looks amazing though and it's great to know your kids are keen readers. #bigpinklink

  10. debsrandomwritings

    Hi Anne, it sounds like you and your little ones have had a busy and creative week even if you didn't get out much. Sometimes it is nice to stay put and as long as you can look back and know you had fun that's what counts. There is a lot to be said for staying home and just being as a family. Being out and about all the time can be exhausting.


  11. genuineplacebo

    You know, sometimes you just need time of not doing much – and the things you did do at home sound really lovely! x

  12. Double the Monkey Business

    It is so tricky to know what to do when the weather is dull and miserable. That cake looks delicious x #MMBC

  13. cherylbarry

    Sounds like you've had a lovely chilled out half term! I can't bear having a jam packed diary in the school holidays and I think the kids need a rest too! #BigPinkLink

  14. Jo

    I think sometimes it is important to just enjoy the quality time with your children and not stress too much about what you have or haven't done. Chill time is important too. #bigpinklink

  15. pinkpearbear

    Sounds to me as if everyone had a lovely and fulfilled week. That cake is fantastic too! You're right, the holidays go far far too fast. Thanks for joining us at the #bigpinklink

  16. The UnNatural Mother

    1/2 term goes so slooooooow for me. I run out of energy by day2 . Well done you #Postsfromtheheart

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