Reader Interactions


  1. Reading Residence

    I will keep everything crossed for you, this weather isn't exactly summery, is it? I hope you get some sunshine and you all feel well enough to enjoy your escape x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  2. angiemwebster77

    Sorry to hear you and Star have been poorly this week. We have been pretty much the same here and the the fact it's the summer holidays makes the cabin fever worse. I hope you have a lovely restful holiday in Dorset ad start to feel better soon x #WotW

  3. Louise (LHBL)

    Oh what a shame you didn't manage to escape out in the week but hope that you are all able to enjoy your weekend away. Fingers crossed the weather behaves for you too! #WotW

  4. debsrandomwritings

    Hi Anne, I'm sorry to hear that you and Star haven't been in the best of health this week. Fingers crossed that the weather is kind and lets up so you can get down the beach.

    Stay healthy and have a really fab time in Dorset!

    Thank you for linking up with the #MMBC.


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