Reader Interactions


  1. Susan Mann

    Those gloves look fabulous. Sorry to hear about the tumble dryer that is a nightmare. fingers crossed. Sounds like a good weekend though xx #keepingitreallinky

  2. Kim Carberry

    What a weekend!
    Aww! Poor Boo. I hope she is feeling better now. It must have given you all such a scare.
    We don’t have a tumble dryer and it is a nightmare at this time of year. Good luck with fixing yours. Eek! x

  3. Carol

    I’ve had UTI’s and they are no fun. I never fainted tho – that’s scary. Got my fingers crossed for the dryer and your crochet that all goes well. #keepingitreal

  4. Debbie

    Hi Anne, poor Boo, UTI’s are no fun, at least the medication is working though. I can understand your concern for at letting Little Man play outside, especially if there are nasty boys around… I hope you got your tumble dryer working! I’m having a nightmare imagining the washing piled up. .. Betty sounds really cute with her outfits, I think we should start a wonky animal society. I bet there are more wonky soft toys than non-wonky!

    Thank you for linking up with #keepingitreal.


  5. Christine

    Hope the tumble dryer is fixed by now! We don’t own one so in bad weather our house looks like a laundry. However I do look after one at work and when it broke recently we also used YouTube for the repair video, worked a treat. A belated comment from #keepingitreal (I get there eventually!)

  6. Lucy At Home

    Oh UTIs can be nasty – I’m glad your little one is feeling better. I think hubby and I will have the same disagreements about playing out on the street when my girls get bigger too…!

    And congratulations on having this post added to the BlogCrush linky by a fellow blogger! #blogcrush

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