Reader Interactions


  1. Debbie

    Hi Anne, I love Nancy! She looks like the kind of soft toy a youngster could really drag around and snuggle up with too. I love the fact you’ve crocheted her some clothes too. I bet Lucy will be good company for her. I’ve not picked up my crochet since we’ve come back from the mainland, I’ve been too busy sorting photos from our trip in my spare time. I have a pair of gloves on the go at the moment, which I won’t be needing until next winter now.


  2. Sarah MumofThree World

    How lovely! There’s something adorable about crochet and knitted toys. It does sound like you will be busy for a while. I don’t have any crafty hobbies, my hobbies are blogging, running and reading.

  3. Tara

    Nancy Bear is amazing, you’re so clever. I’d love to be able to crochet (or knit or sew like my mum) but I haven’t got the patience for it. My poor mum has tried to teach me but it doesn’t end well. #MySundayPhoto

  4. nessjibberjabberuk

    I’ve always wanted to be able to do crochet but never got round to starting. I even have a set of crochet hooks in the drawer! Nancy Bear looks wonderful and so well made. I can see why your orders are stacking up!

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