Reader Interactions


  1. Carol

    You’re a busy lady. For the last few weeks, I’ve been going for treatment once a week at the doctor’s and having physical therapy 2 x week. Add in trying to get the lawn guy here for my list of projects in the garden – he came last Thursday for a few hours. Still so much to do but I am only one out of 70 customers he has. Crossing my fingers he comes back this week.

  2. Keri Jones

    On Saturday we had a residents social party at a big park on our estate. It was lovely & the perfect weather for it 🙂 x

  3. nic@nipitinthebud

    That sounds like a lovely weekend and the Royal Wedding was such a good dose of love and cheer. I hope the GP appointment gives you some reassurance and that Little Man isn’t in too much pain.
    We enjoyed some allotment time on Saturday and painting in the afternoon – a perfect chilled day.

  4. Jade @ Captured By Jade

    It must be frustrated to not be able to do these tasks you once were able to, and I’m sorry you have to go through that. Maybe, because of drying time, the stair handrail could be painted of a night time by your husband, if he wanted to do it, of course.

    Sounds like a lovely weekend and like you really made watching the Royal Wedding a special time. #keepingitreal

  5. Catie: Spectrum Mum

    Oh I do miss our trampoline it gave up the ghost last year. My boys loved playing on it and it was great to get rid of that extra energy. We watched the wedding too, it was magical. My hubby is decorating the bedrooms now as I type. I don’t really have the patience for decorating, I just make a mess. #keepingitreal

  6. Debbie

    Hi Anne, I’d love to have a go at making cards, but I’m not very artistic at all, so I suppose what I really mean is that I wish I was artist enough to create cards! I loved your crochet soft toy, I bet your next one is just as cute and at least you’re going to have plenty of blankets for next winter… I have honestly never done any decorating, it just seems such a tedious task, luckily my husband doesn’t mind doing it… I think it’s nice that two of your children watched the wedding with you, and the fact that no one else wanted to watch it with you didn’t spoil your enjoyment of the event… I hope your son is suffering nothing more than a little stiffness from using normally unused muscles, trampolining is pretty full on. My fingers are crossed for him that everything is okay.

    Thank you for linking up with #keepingitreal


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