Reader Interactions


  1. Sarah Christie

    Well done Anne I have been juggling it with blog work and its been a real challenge but I have enjoyed it and was lucky to have some theatre reviews booked in which were great for covering English, have you filled out appeals for each School? I honestly believe I did the right things and took him out of that toxic environment and I am sure you do too x

  2. The Reading Residence

    Sounds like a fun and educational week, glad that Little Man’s happier in himself. I’m happy with the school that my kids are at so see no home schooling plans on our horizon, but I’d never rule it out as things can change and the priority is for them to feel safe and happy so that they can learn. Glad it’s working for you and fingers crossed on the school places x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  3. Helena

    As I have been doing the alphabet challenge created by another blogger I have fallen into thinking about home education. I feel the most important things are for your family to be happy, listening to one another and having fun. Good luck. #MMBC

  4. Kim Carberry

    Well done you! It sounds like you have had great fun with your boy and lots of learning has been done…I’m glad your boy is feeling happier.
    The more I read about home educating the more I want to do it with my youngest but I know deep down that she is better in school. x

  5. Jayne @ Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs

    Lovely to hear that your little man is happier and more settled. I love homeschooling our boys. My eldest has become such a confident little man since we pulled him from the hell hole that he was attending. Best decision we ever made. x

    Thanks for sharing with #MMBC.

  6. Kate

    I home educate after taking my daughter out when she was bullied by peers and her Head too! So her mental wellbeing had to be put first. She is super happy now and pursuing her passions around art and writing. Her brother is home-educated too and he likes to learn alongside me. As you say, it is amazing how we start learning too when we home educate and realise what was perhaps missed out of our own education. I also have a 17 year old who stayed in school but came out with results that really don’t reflect who he is at all so I question a lot about education both at school and at home. What I do know is on the good days home education is magical #MMBC

  7. Rebecca Beesley

    I am a massive fan of home-ed and think that everyone should try it at least once as it is an amazing experience for both kids and parents. In one way it is always a shame in those cases where we’re left with no choice but to home educate but in another way it is such a blessing for the kids to experience a different reality which is wonderful in so many ways! I hope each moment you spend together during this time will be enjoyed fully and preciously valued and create so many happy memories. I always tell people that our home-ed years were the happiest of our lives! Enjoy the rest of the week and I’ll be watching this space to see how things evolve for you both. xxx

  8. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    The rainforest in a box craft looks brilliant – what a fun way to learn more about the rainforest and the creatures that live there. Sounds like home ed is going well for you so far. I loved my half-term of home-schooling Jessica and it is amazing how much you can cover in such a short amount of time x #WotW

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