Reader Interactions


  1. Debbie

    Hi Anne, this is where your post went! I clicked on it ver on Bloglovin’ yesterday, but it wasn’t there… Babycham? I’ve not thought of that drink for years, do they still even make it?… Babycham was the drink we were allowed too, just one at Christmas… The pub garden looks a lovely place for children to explore and stay entertained. Rough and ready, just enough to spark young imaginations… It’s a shame you couldn’t get out to it to see what it’s like now, but sometimes that’s not such a bad thing, memories get better with the years and reliving them can often take the fizz out of them… I love that they serve milk to drink. That would probably be the drink of choice, and I would definitely have gone for the chips!

    Living here taking my children to my childhood haunts didn’t happen. We rarely get back to the UK, but one time I was all excited to take my two to the Royal Albert Museum in Exeter ( a favourite place of mine as a child) and it was closed for renovations! I couldn’t believe it!


    • Anne Sweet

      ah Deb, you caught me! I made a scheduling error and I’d put my Sunday post to go live on Saturday and Saturday one to go live on Sunday! I thought I’d noticed soon enough to swap them over, but do realise that this one went live for a few hours yesterday. What a shame the Royal Albert Museum was closed when you went, how disappointing. Personally, I’ve never moved away from Birmingham, so all my childhood haunts are (mostly) still there. I am a creature of habit too and often holiday in the same place so I can take my children back to my favourite holiday haunts too 🙂 Maybe, I’m just not very adventurous but that’s my way, my Mum was the same (although my Dad travelled the world in the army before he met her!) I do encourage my children to be more adventurous and all those over the age of 12 have already travelled further than me!

  2. Sarah MumofThree World

    How lovely to go back there and remember your own teenage years. I live in the same road I grew up in, so nearly everywhere we go are the same places I went myself as a child and a teenager!
    There was Babycham as a prize in a raffle yesterday. I had a feeling that someone had donated it after winning it in a previous raffle!

  3. Tracey Abrahams

    The woods look like the perfect place to explore om a hot day, lots of shade. I love how kids imagination can make broken tables into something exciting.

  4. Notmyyearoff

    Ahh I do love my childhood places – and it really does bring back so may memories doesn’t it? I used to absolutely hate being dragged to Blackpool as a child. I found it really cheesy and a bit down trodden but I just love all that same cheese as an adult and now drag my own kids there to show them where my parents took us. I guess its like stepping back in time for a little bit that I love the most x

  5. Tina Bailey

    I always went on holiday with my Aunt and her family for the same reasons. I’d love to take the kids to the hotel in Ibiza we frequented – maybe one day. I take them to the park I basically grew up in all the time though. #MySundayPhoto

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