Reader Interactions


  1. The Reading Residence

    Why can’t they just let you sleep??! It’s definitely harder to sleep well in the heat, but then if you need a nap, you should be able to take a nap. Sounds like you have a busy week planned next week so I do hope you manage some rest to recharge x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  2. Kim Carberry

    Oh gosh! It does sound like you are tired….It must be so frustrating to not get enough sleep. I have been very lucky so far these holidays that my girls have been sleeping in.
    Happy birthday to Boo & good luck with the clear out x

  3. Debbie

    Hi Anne, OooOOooo that tired feeling is really naff, especially when it’s ongoing. On the whole, I do have quite a healthy sleep routine and never need to set an alarm, but it only takes a couple of bad nights or a change in routine and I can find myself nodding off anytime I’m sat down. Once I’m back in my routine again, I’m fine… The heat can be draining too… This month my sister and her family are over for a few weeks and whilst I love seeing them, I’ll feel it in the sleep department… Can’t you start wearing a do not disturb tee-shirt?… Barking dogs are the worst. Ours do bark at times, usually at cats, but for that reason, they are never outside at night (and I’ve told them that too)… I love the fact you barely doing anything means you did everything”! The life of a Mum. No time for illness to get in the way!… Can’t you feel it if you’ve been snoring? My daughter is a terrible snorer but knows when she has been snoring badly by the numbness in her throat (the plan is for her to have her tonsils and adenoids out this winter)… I hope Boo had a nice birthday tea, who needs a party when there’s birthday food?… I hope you beat the tiredness soon, maybe when the heat breaks?

    Thank you for popping over and sharing your week on #keepingitreal.


  4. Jayne @ Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs

    Tiredness is a bitch isn’t it?! I’ve been feeling more lethargic the past few days, but this heat certainly doesn’t help! We have had a massive downpour here and I feel much better now the air is fresh. My kiddies never lie in either! I could do with a holiday for just catching up on some kip! 🙂

    Thanks for sharing with #MMBC. xx

  5. Angela Webster

    I don’t know how I missed your post last week Anne ! I hope you have felt a bit better this week, I get bouts of fatigue when my diabetes isn’t under control, it’s so hard to function let alone keep a home and family running x

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