Reader Interactions


  1. Cheryl | TimeToCraft

    What a lovely occasion. Even the after celebration meal sounds good to remember, if not quite as planned. I love your gifts and so much more personal than off the shelf. Enjoy your holiday. #keepingitreal

  2. Debbie

    Hi Anne, it must be an honour to be asked to be God Parents to someone’s children. To me, it’s a sign of trust and respect and not a role to be taken lightly. Your gifts are lovely and must have taken time and effort. A nice keepsake of the day for the children… Sounds like the carvery was a bit tight, but at least you all got fed and even veggies taste good coated in a nice meaty gravy (please tell me the gravy was good?)… Where are you going in Devon? Originally from Devon, I do get excited when I read someone is heading down ‘our way’. It really is a beautiful part of the world. Where ever it is, have a safe journey and a fantastic time!

    Thank you for stopping by and linking up with #keepingitreal.


  3. The Reading Residence

    Those Christening gifts are lovely, such perfect keepsakes. I am glad you had a lovely day and though a meatless carvery isn’t what you’d expect!, that bill was very reasonable! Hope you all have a fabulous time in Devon x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

  4. Kim Carberry

    Aww! The Christining sounds lovely and the gifts you made are just perfect.
    hehehe! A carvery with no meat did make me chuckle. The meal was a fantastic price though.
    I hope you have a fab holiday x

  5. Angela Webster

    How lovely being asked to be godparents, it’s a really special thing isn’t it. The gifts you made are so thoughtful, personalised gifts are always much better to receive than something generic I think. It sounds like the meal was a bit of a farce but fun non the less. Hope you have a nice weekend x

  6. Sarah Christie

    Anne those are gorgeous I bet you are thrilled with them? And you know what the food drama will be something that you will always remember and laugh at in time, I know because it happened at our wedding at the time we were devastated as the chef ran away with our money and left the venue to put on a children’s party buffet instead of a carvery, I decided not to get upset and let it ruin our day, but both our mums were in tears. It was such a shame and Karma has a way of working things out doesn’t it? But it didn’t affect us being happily married. 25 years next year! x

  7. Zoe Campos

    It’s good to know that you felt overjoyed when you were asked to be a godparent. I have a close friend and I want her to be my daughter’s godmother, but we haven’t talked in a while so I’m not sure if she’ll accept. It might be a good idea to ask her if she can help me choose a white christening lace dress and throw in the question during our discussion.

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