Reader Interactions


  1. Emma

    Oh Anne this sounds so nice! My favourite kind of holiday, filled with fresh air, good food and a few fun activities. I’m glad you enjoyed it 🙂 #WotW

  2. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Relaxed is the perfect word for your week and it sounds like you had a lovely holiday. So glad you were able to get down to the beach at Exmouth. Those pieces of pottery look amazing and singing along to Livin’ on a Prayer at the halfway point of your holiday sounds like such a fun moment. #WotW

  3. The Reading Residence

    Oh yes, to live by the sea. And in Brum, we’re quite a long way from it, aren’t we?! Sounds like you had a wonderful break, so good to get away, breathe in that sea air and relax. Glad you all enjoyed it x Thanks for sharing with #WotW

    • Anne Sweet

      Yes, he’s a typical little boy. The girls were a bit disgusted that he chose the poo emoji, so it made it prettier by making it look a little like ice cream with sprinkles. Then the paint on the eyes and mouth ran it turned out looking pretty gruesome, lol.

  4. Angela Webster

    It sounds like you have a wonderful time, the Haven sites are really good for kids aren’t they. The relaxing break sounds like just the thing you all needed. I love the pottery you all painted especially the mermaid, I think I saw it on your instagram and thought you had bought it. Hope you have a lovely weekend x

  5. Kim Carberry

    It sounds like a lovely holiday….
    I’m glad you got to feel the sand on your feet and then made it onto the beach! How wonderful. The kids look like they were having a great time in the sand.

  6. Sarah Christie

    I must say I amanita beach fan I dont like going on them, but I love watching them and listening to the sea. There is something so relaxing about it isn’t there? I am so glad you had a great time and there were no dramas thats half the battle with a family holiday, pleasing everyone x

  7. Debbie

    Hi Anne, it sounds like you had an amazing time. There is something calming about the sea and I can’t imagine not living near to a beach. Just being on the beach, especially in winter is so therapeutic. It’s a shame you couldn’t risk dipping your toes in the sea… Exmouth was a place I knew well, but I bet it’s changed a lot since then… Pottery painting sounds like a nice relaxing thing to do too. Is that steamy poop or an ice cream whirl I see?… Just being together as a family without the stress of home life is nice.

    Thank you for linking up with #keepingitreal.


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