Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    Aww! Thank you, you are so kind. I am feeling guilty for not mentioning you in my Blogtober post. You know I love your blog and you! There are too many wonderful bloggers to mention in one blog post. I could easily do a blog post once a month featuring 10 and still not mention everyone. lol

  2. Tracey Abrahams

    Thank you so much for mentioning my blog. It is always very humbling when someone takes the time to tell other people about my blog, and I’m glad you love the somewhat random nature if my posts xx

  3. Rebecca Beesley

    Thank you for the mention. When life gets hectic and something has to give to keep my sanity I cut back on blogging and reading blogs. So nowadays there is only a handful of blogs that I keep up with reading regularly, and an even smaller handful that i find time to comment on. At one time in the early days i was trying to keep up with reading and commenting on so many blogs that it was stressing me out. I think people generally understand that it is fine to dip in and out of things. X

  4. Cheryl Thompson

    I feel like I’ve won an award. Not that I’ve ever won an award, but I’m guessing it feels similar. Thank you for including me in your list. There are so many great bloggers out there, with interesting things to say, and you are right, it’s next to impossible to read, interact and mentioning them all. You’ve mentioned a few here that I’ve not visited, so I’ll give them a try. Thank you again.

  5. Maria [The Southerner Blogs]

    Great post! As a new blogger, I am constantly trying to find new blogs and people to connect with so this is really helpful!

  6. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Thank you so much for mentioning my blog. A few of my favourites are here too although I haven’t read a couple of them for a while – must go and catch up with them again! I always love reading your blog too. It’s hard to narrow down a list of favourites though – I love so many blogs for different reasons.

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