Reader Interactions


  1. Tracey Abrahams

    Oh my word, I haven’t heard that rhyme since I was a kid but I could sing it as soon as I read the words. I’ve always been too scared of trying to wallpaper as im sure I would end up in just such a mess.

  2. Cheryl Thompson

    I have never papered a wall. Good chance I’d make a dog’s dinner of it, so good job I like to paint. I’ve not heard that song before, although it feels like I should. Amazing how a house guest can bring out the best in everyone. #keepingitreal

  3. chickenruby

    glad to hear you weren’t ill after your latest treatment, hubby and I tend not to do things together it goes wrong and ends in an argument, glad to hear the wall papering got sorted out #keepingitreal

  4. Debbie

    Hi Anne, haha, it sounds like you made a right pigs ear of the wallpapering, but at least it got sorted. Thankfully wallpaper isn’t a thing here (I have no idea why), so our walls are painted which makes it so much easier to refresh… It sounds as if you have a real houseful there, I doubt one more made much of a difference. It is nice when family step up, mine do when I least expect it… It must be a relief that your treatment doesn’t give you side effects and I do like your attitude, you almost had me envying your time reading and reclining. I’ve seen the series A discovery Of Witches advertised and it looks quite good. What’s the book like?

    Thank you for linking up with #keepingItReal


    • Anne Sweet

      I’m finding A Discovery of Witches incredibly addictive despite being slow moving. I’m normally way to impatient for action, but I really don’t mind with this story. It does have a tinge of being a more grown up Twilight, the story line is different but it is essentially a supernatural love story. xx

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