Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    Oh no! I hope you feel better soon.
    I have been battling a cold this week. I seem to have shaken it off for now but my fella is still full of it. Ugh! I hate this time of year. x

  2. Cheryl | TimeToCraft

    Happy belated birthday. I hope they all made a fuss of you. Horrible to have a cold, but sometimes it’s best to sleep yourself better, which sounds like you did. The jobs will wait. Hope next week is better. #wotw

  3. Sarah Christie

    Oh no Anne I am so sorry you were ill over your birthday week, but happy birthday and a takeaway does count I am sure, I am a week celebrator I have to say. Its more about just celebrating life for me and making the family all make a fuss. Have a lovely week xx

  4. Catherine @ Story Snug

    Sorry to hear about your cold. I called in sick today with a cold too although I don’t feel too bad if i sit still and don’t move! I hope that yours is better now and you can now enjoy a late birthday celebration :o)


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