Reader Interactions


  1. Debbie

    Hi Anne, I like to see Christmas trees twinkling away nicely in windows too, but ours won’t fit. Many years ago we got a tree that’s far too big for the house really, but as tatty and old as it is now I can’t get rid of it (it would unsettle Mum to see me getting rid of tatty old things – don’t tell her that though!)… We don’t put up the decorations until Mid December, which won’t be long now!

  2. Jessica - A Modern Mom's Life

    I just pulled our “small” tree up from the basement. I enjoy having a little tree in our little space. Less to decorate and it makes the gift load look huge! But really the tree is only for us – we don’t host people at all over the season. I’m going to let the girls get decorating later this week!

  3. Su-sieee! Mac

    Your tree is darling. I’m waiting for my birthday next week before I think about Christmas stuff. That’s always my excuse for not paying attention to Christmas in the first weeks of the month. lol

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