Reader Interactions


  1. Cheryl | TimeToCraft

    It does sound like a lovely birthday treat. I hope your son enjoyed it. I’m with him on the singing. I’m sure others enjoy it. Smiling at your taxi logistics. We would probably be the same. Good for Little Man seeing the fun. I hope your eldest’s present has turned up today or soon. #MMBC

  2. Jenny @thebrickcastle

    Happy birthday to your big lad. My eldest was 25 a couple of weeks ago, so I know how easily they get embarrassed, but, like you, I’d also like it if everyone sang to me, just once!
    I’ve always been a Winter person and even I am struggling now with getting going in the morning when I’m stiff and sore from sleeping. I honestly cannot begin to imagine how awful it must be for you when you get cold. You need a big blanket over your legs like you used to with the kids when they were babies 🙂

  3. Louisa

    Happy birthday to your son! It looks like he had a lovely time and I do hope his present turns up soon. I giggled at your description of buying cards, I have exactly the same issues when doing so. #mmbc

  4. Jayne @ Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs

    Happy belated birthday to your son, it sounds like he had a lovely day.
    Hope you are feeling better now after a good rest. I do love the winter but I am also looking forward to getting back in the garden and seeing all of the colourful blooms!

    Thanks for sharing with #MMBC. x

  5. chickenruby

    soory to hear the birthday was marred by pain over the following days, but it sounds like your eldest son had a wonderful time. I’m not a fan of a fuss on birthdays, but wouldn’t object if anyone sang at me #keepingitreal

  6. Susan Mann

    Aww that sounds such a lovely treat. Happy birthday to your wonderful son. I hope he had the best birthday. I’m with him on the singing though. I hope your eldest’s present turned up. Hugs xx

  7. Debbie

    Hi Anne, I do miss shopping in the after Christmas sales. It’s not something that is done here, it’s as if they would rather hold onto old Christmas stock than sell it at a cheaper price.! Do you remember those gift boxes of posh perfumes Boots used to sell? That was my favourite bargain buy in January. Oh, how I feel the children have missed out on those small pleasures….it sounds like a proper circus getting seven of you out the house (no offence meant), but at least you got out with minimum fallouts! If I didn’t die then I would sink under the table if someone sang Happy Birthday to me in a public place. My toes cramp with curling when it happens to someone else, even if they are happy about it… We should all listen to what our body tells us, if we need to rest then we need to rest. Whatever our physical capabilities there is only so much we can do before our body red flags us. It’s a fair tradeoff for doing too much… The only thing about January that I don’t enjoy is the fact it’s in the middle of winter, so that should answer your question. I am most definitely not a cold weather person, it makes me proper miserable and I can’t function efficiently and that’s here. Winter in the UK would render me totally useless!

    Thank you for linking up with #keepingitreal.


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