Reader Interactions


  1. Fiona Cambouropoulos

    This is the most perfect time of year to visit a farm. the baby animals are such a delight. Those pigmy goats look just like ours! As you say, you are never too old to enjoy a farm. We have had lots of older children racing around here and loving the space, freedom and animals the last 3 weeks for Easter. #CountryKids

  2. Kim Carberry

    What a fab day out and so close to home too! How lovely to see all the baby animals.
    Milking a cardboard cow looks interesting. lol
    I linked up to Country kids too for the first time in forever. hehehe x

  3. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Becketts Farm sounds like a lovely place to visit with lots of baby animals to see at this time of year. I love the baby goats and those newly hatched chicks are adorable. Brings back memories of the girls getting to see chicks hatching at preschool. Milking a cardboard cow sounds fun – but I can imagine it is quite hard work! Glad you had a lovely day out. Thank you for sharing it with #CountryKids

  4. Kids of the Wild

    Becketts Farm sounds great fun and your animal photos are seriously cute! Especially the lesser spotted boo!! I love farm visits like these, do educational and fun. Thanks for sharing with us at #CountryKids

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