Reader Interactions


  1. Ross - The Stented Papa

    Children’s innocence is simply hilarious at times! These quotes above have seriously made me giggle. First time on your site (not really sure how/why?!) but glad I’m here.

    Just for the record, my youngest uses this term when she gets pissed off with walking….

    ‘Dada, my legs are booooring’ which is her way of telling me she’s sick of this crap and wants a carry!!!!


  2. Kylie

    haha this has had me laughing, especially you driving off!!! I love the seeing trains one too, so glad you shared these #ABloggingGoodTime

  3. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Love this. I try and write a monthly post capturing some of the things that the children say (I used to run a weekly linky that was all about the things kids say) – they are just wonderful to capture. Love that Boo got mixed up with feet and dentists and that drawing that Little Man did is adorable. You driving off and leaving Graham behind made me chuckle – I’ve almost done that once or twice too! #ablogginggoodtime

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