Reader Interactions


  1. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    Exciting to have a new venture on the go. I hope it goes brilliantly. I can imagine that it is difficult to look to the future for your youngest. You have such a loving family, that I’m sure that they will be there for each other, whatever the years bring. Liking your idea of a holiday timetable. I should do one for my lot. Still have a couple of days to go. Thank you for hosting and I hope you have a good week.

  2. Laurie

    Change is usually exciting – sometimes good and sometimes not so good. Your new Avon venture sounds exciting! Good luck with your new endeavor. I used to have to limit screen time for my kids when they were on summer break too. My rule was “no screens between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.” They somehow survived!

  3. Kim Carberry

    It sounds like you have a lot of changes happening.
    I’m glad you have got the living room finished.
    Good luck with the Avon work!
    It must be really hard to think about what will happen to your children if you are not here. I hope your son’s school is being understanding and supportive.
    Have a fab summer! We have had rain today, I can’t complain. It’s the first rubbish day we’ve had in over 3 weeks!

  4. Sam

    It sounds exiting with the new adventure. I hope your son gets the support he needs. When I myself was diagnosed may years ago it was completely different. Hardly a gone k ew wbat autism was. I defiantly think awareness is getting their. I love a timetable it keeps me sane lol X #wotw

  5. Sarah Christie

    Aw I am so sorry Anne, it must be a tough diagnosis to deal with he is so lucky you know your stuff and can get him the best support. I am the same as you I faff when we do a room until I get it how I like it, and I agree with the schedule it really helps x

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