Reader Interactions


  1. Kate

    I have never eaten Japanese food but it sounds great. Really sorry your journey was full of hassle but very happy you made special family memories at the restaurant #MMBC

    • Anne Sweet

      Kate, about 15 years ago we went to a festival in London so my (then) teenage daughter could meet up with some friends. It turned out to be a Japanese festival and we loved it, trying so many foods we’d not had before. We’ve all been pretty hooked since then. Well, apart from Graham who is allergic to fish and seafood, and the Japanese do like their fish!

    • Anne Sweet

      I never ate fish until a few years ago, well apart from tuna sandwiches and the good old 80s dish of scampi in a basket. I would never imagined eating scallops and lobster that’s for sure, but with my daughter being a huge fan..well I’ll even try the odd bit of raw fish, or sushimi. I do draw the line at Octopus though… yuk!

  2. Mrs A

    The food looks amazing. I love the idea of watching your food being cooked in front of you.

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