Reader Interactions


    • Anne Sweet

      It surprised me at how easy, but really effective a lot of the stuff is. The snot slime is super easy, but I have to flit quickly past that page…poo, blood and gore I can deal with, snot…just No! 🙂

    • Anne Sweet

      It surprised me at how easy, but really effective a lot of the stuff is. The snot slime is super easy, but I have to flit quickly past that page…poo, blood and gore I can deal with, snot…just No! 🙂

  1. Alina BARAC

    I would love to get this book for my little one if only to just hear her say: “ewww, mummy. That’s disgusting” 😂 she’s only three but such princess 😂😂😂 #kltr

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