Reader Interactions


  1. Emma

    I’ve never taken part in Blogtober before but I think I might pop it in the diary for next year! It sounds like a great way to become more involved in the community and to boost your blogging mojo 🙂 I was so happy to see so many people talking about mental health yesterday, but I’m the same as you Anne. I’ve tried all sorts of talking, including counselling, and I actually find that self reflection and meditation are the most beneficial things for me. We all have different ways of managing our health don’t we! #wotw

  2. Cheryl | TimeToCraft

    Not only keeping up with the daily prompts, but several years under your belt too. That is no mean feat. I can imagine it does stimulate the creative muscles. Hope you enjoy your comedy show. Not heard of them before, but will keep a lookout now. Happy weekend and thank you for hosting.

  3. Kim Carberry

    Good on you for removing the rouge linkers. I’ve noticed them the past few weeks too but never bothered commenting because it’s not really playing fair.
    I am loving Blogtober. I am not following any prompts this year but I am really enjoying joining in.
    Have a fab evening x

  4. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    I’m glad you’re enjoying Blogtober – maybe next year I will try and join in. I know what you mean about finding it hard to put things into words when it comes to mental health. Sorry to hear that you’re struggling though and hope that you enjoy tonight’s show and it helps give you a boost x #WotW

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