Reader Interactions


  1. Emma

    Oh I love that Anne, do you think you might share your novel with us when it is finished? My husband would make a fantastic writer and I keep trying to encourage him to give it a go. Maybe one day he’ll listen to me, hehe! Have a lovely weekend 🙂 #wotw

    • Anne Sweet

      It’s always worth having a go. I’m not sure I’ll be sharing mine, if I do it will probably take a couple of years in the editing progress. I’m enjoying writing it though.

  2. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    Friends is always going to be a good theme for a week. I met one of my daughter’s friends this week and I’m so grateful for the lovely people she surrounds herself with. Hope the writing continues to provide a good focus for you. You never know. It could turn out to be a best seller.

  3. Laurie

    I read your post from yesterday to find out about Friendship Friday. What a wonderful concept! Good luck with your 50,000 words. That is a big goal. I hope you make some good progress on your novel.

  4. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Friends is a lovely word for the week. I love that photo. Good luck with NaNoWriMo – I did it a couple of times before having children – still have both those novels sitting on my computer as a first draft, maybe one day I’ll go back and try and do something more with them! #WotW

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