Reader Interactions


  1. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    The temperature has certainly dropped this week – it’s been so cold! Glad you got to see Little Man’s assembly and love how you made his spotty top. Sophie’s school was easy for Children in Need – they went in in pyjamas but a home-made spotty top would have been fairly simple too. Having a blanket when you’re out and about sounds like a good plan – I can see the difficult with trying to keep your legs and knees warm with a coat – and hope you do manage to get out to the Christmas markets too. Thanks for hosting #WotW and hope you have a good weekend x

    • Anne Sweet

      I think pj’s would have been easier. I’m glad I made some effort though. The older kids are trying to get me to go to the market tomorrow but it’s going to be wet, which is worse than being cold when in a wheelchair. x

  2. Emma

    Oh it does make me sad that your little one was the only one in anything home made. I understand that life with children can be very hectic and all, but everything is done out of convenience now really isn’t it? When I was at school everything was handmade and I loved it.

    I think that the Christmas markets sound like a brilliant idea! Going in with a bit of patience and expecting it to be busy is my approach. If you’re not in a rush to get through it makes it more enjoyable. Could you even go during a week day when the crowds will likely be smaller? …I just got hungry thinking about all the Christmas market food, and it’s only 8 in the morning!

  3. Laurie

    I think the costume you made for your little guy sounds wonderful – creative and fun. I haven’t done crafts in a while, but you have inspired me to give them another try. I have an idea of something I might make for Christmas presents. I’m sitting here wrapped up in a blanket with my laptop too! Ugh! I don’t like the cold.

    • Anne Sweet

      I crocheted a lot of scarves for last Christmas, but this year I was a little too late. I have made a couple of Christmas cards with crochet on them and I’ve made my great nephew a gorgeous Santa style hoodie which I can wait to give him. x

  4. Kim Carberry

    Aww! The assembly sounds lovely.
    It has been cold hasn’t it. It’s going to get colder too before spring arrives. Eek!
    You should try a blanket when you are in your wheelchair. Getting out and about in the run up to Christmas would be fab. x

    • Anne Sweet

      Yes, I do love to see all the trees, lights and decorations so I’ll have to go out at some point. They have a local Christmas fayre next weekend so if I don’t make it into town I’ll go there instead. x

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