Reader Interactions


  1. Sarah MumofThree World

    All of the Christmas cakes look lovely!
    I have done a reverse advent calendar this year, so have a big bag of food and toiletries ready for the food bank. I think I’ve probably missed the last donation day before Christmas, so I will drop it all off after Christmas.

    • Anne Sweet

      We’ve been told that Sainsburys will have their collection trolleys out on Monday, but if they haven’t then we’ll take it in the new year. I’m a bit upset as I’ve had it ready two weeks but my husband hasn’t had time to take it. And I can’t do it myself or I would have done it sooner. x

  2. Kim Carberry

    Well done your Little Man! The cakes looks fab!
    I made two Christmas cakes this year too. One for us and one for my dad and his partner. The marzipan is on but I must ice it tomorrow.
    That Facebook group sounds wonderful. What a fantastic thing to do.
    Merry Christmas x

  3. RachelSwirl

    Wowsers! Look at those cakes!!! They are fabulous! Thanks so much for linking up and for sharing your snaps with #MySundaySnapshot. I hope you had the most fantastic Christmas and have a wonderful New Year!

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