Reader Interactions


  1. Jenny @thebrickcastle

    I’m so glad you are getting a new chair – I hope it’s fabulous 🙂
    Mentally you’ve been amazing, never doubt your own strength because you are a rock. You’ve coped fantastically well and frankly only an idiot would assume you’d never need help to talk it through and sort out your head. Your medical team should have foreseen this and made preparations for you. Mental health is so important, and so overlooked.
    I hope you get genuinely helpful counselling, and that 2020 is kind to you all. Love and strength to you all – always xx

  2. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    Happy New Year Anne. Glad you enjoyed getting away to Cornwall last summer even if the weather wasn’t the best. Fingers crossed for you and Star on the health front over the next few weeks – that you both get answers and that it will be helpful. Love the new car. Interesting that you feel more comfortable seeing your husband drive a manual – I’ve only ever driven an automatic so I’ve never really thought much about how it changes your mindset when you drive a manual. Hope your new chair arrives soon x

    • Anne Sweet

      Thanks Louise, my wheelchair arrived real quickly and I got it yesterday. I wasn’t expecting it to be until next week at least. I’ve already been out in it. I think the car thing is that I can see him changing down the gears to slow down, whereas before it was just stop and go and I couldn’t be sure if he was going to do either! Plus I have a much better idea of if he’s speeding by checking which gear he is in. I’m a proper control freak when it comes to driving and I find myself biting my tongue a lot. x

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