Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    It is such a sad time. I feel so bad for all those kids in the last year of their schooling who are missing out on the end of year excitement.
    As of this afternoon we’re staying in. My fella doesn’t have to go to work until goodness knows when so the door is staying shut.
    My girls are missing their friends. My teen especially because she can’t see her girlfirend but they have been chatting online and video chatting. Hooray for the internet.
    I hope you all stay well. It sounds like you are doing your best to stay safe. I am feeling run down at the moment but I know it’s just because I have been stressing so much and not sleeping properly. Now we’re all home I hope I start to relax more and feel better.
    Kim Carberry recently posted…Five mums that I think are awesome! #MothersDay

  2. Cynthia

    These are definitely strange times! I was already laying low because of the war going on inside my abdomen, so my life really isn’t that different. My husband works in an essential field and is busier than normal. I hope you and the kids start feeling better.

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