Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    Sorry the kids have driven you a little crazy. My two have done the same to me. Some days I think if I hear “mam” one more time I could throttle them. lol
    It sounds like the teachers are being great. Well done to them for making the video.
    That is rubbish about the sleep problems. I think they’ll be in for a shock when things are back to normal and they have to get up early.
    That’s great that you found out that your wheelchair works on grass. x
    Kim Carberry recently posted…Week 17 of #Project366 – A photo every day for a year!

    • Anne Sweet

      I have decided enough is enough. I got up this morning to my kitchen looking like a bomb had hit it. Apparently if you sleep all day then you have to cook and snack all night. Well, the noise and the mess has got to me this morning and I’m going to enforce a curfew. Wish me luck, the kids I may have issues with, but the adults are a different story.
      Anne Sweet recently posted…Isolation Diaries Day 42 -fifth Week

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