Reader Interactions


  1. Laurie

    Beautiful rainbow! Just what we need now. Our weather has been terrible! It is either cold and windy or rainy. I am looking forward to some sunshine and rainbows here. Or at least sunshine! The mental picture I have of you sitting in your garden in the warm sun crocheting is wonderful! That fruit salad looks delicious and there are worse things for kids to be doing than reading! 🙂 Have a good weekend.
    Laurie recently posted…Runfessing In April

  2. Cheryl | Time To Craft

    I’ve struggled to get my three out too. This week has been better as they’ve helped me in the garden and played badminton in the evening. Playing games and reading books is good though. I love the idea of the delivering games to children on their birthday. Your crochet rainbow is so sweet. I imagine it was lovely to sit out in the sun and make it. Hope you enjoyed your bbq.

  3. Louise (Little Hearts, Big Love)

    I love your crocheted rainbow – it’s so pretty. Glad you have been able to enjoy the sunshine in the garden. That’s a lot of sausages and burgers in your shopping! Hope you enjoyed your BBQ = it is so nice to be able to eat outside. Love Star’s fruit salad too. Hope you are having a nice weekend and thank you for hosting #WotW

  4. Karen

    Love your rainbow 🙂 the weather is lovely isn’t it, I’ve been in our garden too, it’s nice to get outside. My two don’t agree… I haven’t made fruit salad in years.. hmmm maybe I should!

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