Reader Interactions


  1. Jenny @thebrickcastle

    You aren’t alone. I think the vast majority of shielded people feel left behind at home, and they aren’t even all of those who feel it. It is a time when we are very much in our own bubbles, and even though we are all doing the same thing, we are doing it physically apart. I’m glad you went out and saw your brother, Star will go out when she’s ready – maybe start with a walk around the block to ease her into it. There is genuine reason to be cautious, but she shouldn’t let it make her afraid.
    Jenny @thebrickcastle recently posted…COVID-19 Coronavirus UK and World News update 22nd June 2020.

    • Anne Sweet

      We managed to get Star in the garden today…that’s a start I suppose. We have promised her a trip to the Safari Park when it opens. We can go in the car and stay in the car. She loves animals, so maybe she will go for it…also it’s not too far away so we should be able to manage a quick visit without the need for a toilet visit (fingers crossed..or should that be legs!) x

  2. Chickenruby

    Sorry you feel left behind. I haven’t done much more and won’t be doing much more either. There’s no need for me to stay at home other than I don’t want the virus and will continue to do my bit to protect myself and others

    • Anne Sweet

      I think it’s so good that people are willing to continue to put things on hold for the protection of others. If you can then staying home is still the best option x

    • Anne Sweet

      Thanks Kim. I know a lot of other people are being cautious too, it does seem that a lot are also acting like the virus has gone away. I think I would rather stay on the safe side. x

  3. Debbie

    Hi Anne, it must be awful to feel like you’re being left behind, but staying safe is sensible. My sister and her family are in a very similar boat. Her husband has had a kidney transplant and they are taking no risks. As difficult as it is stay safe!… We are tittering on the brink of normality here, but who knows what the very short touris season will bring?

    Hold on to your sanity too!

    Debbie recently posted…Inexpensive Bubble Photography Set-Up

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