Reader Interactions


  1. Kim Carberry

    We have seen my dad and my teens girlfriend has been for a visit but that’s as normal as our life is getting for now. We won’t be rushing out when the shops open or to the pub. You are right. The virus is still out there and I am sitting here waiting for the 2nd wave.
    My youngest has been learning about Black history and what’s going on in America for her home school work.
    So sorry about your cousin. Funerals are bad in normal times but only having 6 people there must be truly awful. x
    Kim Carberry recently posted…Our weekly meal plan! 8th – 14th June. #MealPlanningMonday

    • Anne Sweet

      I think it’s best to veer on the safe side for now. As much as I’d like to be getting back to normal. It looks like they are stopping the return to school now. I think we can happily wait until September. x

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