Reader Interactions


  1. Claire

    I’ve felt so many similar emotions during this difficult times. Emotions really do seem heightened don’t they, and very understandably so. I also wrote about hope for this situation to calm for the ‘hoping’ prompt. I can’t imagine anyone doesn’t have that hope too.

    • Anne Sweet

      Thank you Susan, it is sad that we live so far from each other, I’d love to meet you. Don’t worry too much about us, we are strong and used to dealing with everything. There’s no point in wishing it wasn’t happening, but life has thrown us plenty of lemons. xx

  2. Naomi

    I know what you mean about not being able to respond any more and I think it’s totally fine to feel like that. You can just take a step back to let it all happen without you and check back in when-if!- you’re ready for it

  3. Carrie Kellenberger

    My emotions are all over the place right now, and on top of that, I’m quite sick again. Anyways, c’est la vie. This is what happens. I just have to deal with it.

    I really liked your section on hope and what you said about it: “I always try to live by hope. If you don’t have hope then things start to fade fast.”

    Do you mind me asking what are some thing that you do when you are low on hope? I think we all have those days, and just wondered if you had suggestions for coping techniques.

    I’m so sorry to hear this was such a rough month for your family. Sending you gentle hugs and spoons!

    • Anne Sweet

      Hi Carrie, in answer to your question, it’s not so easy. My daughter refuses to rely on hope because she can’t cope if her hope gets shattered. Sadly, with many more years experience than her I realise that hope gets shattered a lot more than anyone would wish it to. This just makes me even more determined to keep hoping. Without hope you are always expecting to fall, but with it you are climbing your mountain expecting to reach the top. When I feel low on hope I always think about all the times that things have gone right, the odds are there are plenty to be counted no matter how small. I find relaxation techniques and mindfulness always make me feel better when things get difficult to cope with.
      I’m sorry you are having a tough time. I am sending those hugs right back x

  4. Rhiann

    Hello again Anne, I am sorry to hear of all your traumas this month, it certainly is a lot to contend with, and I hope the rest of the month has been kinder to you. I loved your section about hope, and I hope that you have still been able to find things to be hopeful about during these challenging times! Sending hugs and spoons to you! x

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