Reader Interactions


  1. Tree

    Lovely post, although some sadness & fear, they are acknowledged. I am doing my best to live in the present as well. I find I am actually enjoying this slower pace of life. I love that you listen to the birds each morning! I want to sort our garden out to encourage more birds to visit, but I am finding it hard to get motivated – I am not much of a gardener – I would rather be sewing! Xx

    • Anne Sweet

      I used to love looking after my garden in the old house. We had a patch especially for flowers and I had the most glorious rose bushes. I do miss my roses. We are lucky to have the trees so close, it’s very enclosed here so the trees give us a a bit of countryside on the doorstep. Even though we can’t run among them. We have all sorts of birds including owls and in the evening you can see bats flying around. We can hear the ducks on the canal too. xx

  2. Kim Carberry

    You did the right thing taking the kids out of school earlier than most, especially if they’d been unwell anyway. If my girls school and college hadn’t closed when it did I would have taken them out.
    I have calmed down a lot since those first few weeks. Gosh, I did worry.
    Those letters from hospital can be worrying and confusing. They always seem worse than the results they’re trying to tell you. The letters about my girls hearts always have me turning to Google. I’m glad the bleed on your brain is nothing to worry about.
    I am amazed at all the online resources for the kids learning. The internet really is an amazing thing.
    Kim Carberry recently posted…Our weekly meal plan! 4th – 10th May. #MealPlanningMonday

  3. Carol

    I have a compromised immune system and haven’t really gone anywhere in way too long. I understood and shared many of your concerns even if my medical problems are not as bad as yours. I’m glad your family is handling the lockdown well. Just like you, I want to talk to my mother so often – she died in 1986 – it’s been a long time. I’m hoping Walter decides to leave you alone. I’ve got to remember to name things – I agree it probably makes it less frightening. #MMBC

  4. Nikki Albert

    I also had a lot of anxiety during the beginning of the pandemic. Not so much for myself, even though I am high risk and couldn’t leave the house, but my Fear for my family was Overpowering. I had to get that in check and it was hard. I never have much concern for myself because I am used to pain and illness being as it is… as I do for others that I do not want t suffer let alone Lose. It was hard to cope with. And then the isolation aggravated my depression and put me in a slump because people with depression should Not self-isolate it makes us worse… and ruminate and overthink… so another thing to cope with. But the pandemic in Canada is not as severe as it could have been… we have socially distanced well and self-isolated well… there has been a low loss of life as a result although each life lost is something that Matters… but it eases anxiety to know that it isn’t getting worse it is getting better. As long as we are careful and maintain and are slow with our re-start of some activity. But for Me I will still have to social distance for some time being as risk factors as they are.
    Nikki Albert recently posted…Fibromyalgia: Restless Leg Syndrome

    • Anne Sweet

      I also worried about my family, I don’t think any of us would cope of if any of us got ill, and then there is no way of stopping it spreading among us. Thankfully we have been isolating well. We are currently doing worse than most of Europe which is not very encouraging. It’s heartbreaking thinking about the losses. I hope we can all overcome this world wide, but I doubt it will ever be the same again.

  5. Louise

    I really enjoyed this post 🙂 we really are so lucky with technology, I keep reminding myself of this on the tough days. Sounds like you are doing a great job homeschooling, it must be tough. I love how you listen to the birds each morning too, I might start trying this – it’s important to find things that relax us at the moment.
    Louise recently posted…Hello May!

  6. Naomi

    Love your naming of Walter! Such a great idea. I also love the sound of your large, accepting family. I was never that close to my cousins and one of them being gay was the highlight of any ‘differences’ – until I became ill I suppose. Great to read your link up as usual 🙂

  7. Cynthia

    Egads! Getting robbed in the middle of all that is going on!? That would have been my breaking point! Glad to hear the bank has taken care of things on their end. Reading about Walter made me giggle. I too name my illnesses and symptoms.

  8. Catherine Green

    I’m glad you had some response from the hospital. My daughter should have attended a follow up appointment to discuss her MRI and Lumbar Puncture that she had in January. Her consultant phoned me and basically said there is nothing to worry about and we can attend the hospital later in the year when it is safe to do so. She is absolutely fine, chattering away and annoying her big sister during lockdown!
    Catherine Green recently posted…How to be a Single Parent during Lockdown

    • Anne Sweet

      I have to say, in all the years I’ve had dealings with hospitals, this is the quickest response to any testing I’ve had other than when admitted for me or my daughter! I guess some Consultants are not as busy as usual without having their daily clinics. I’m glad your daughter seems to be doing well.

  9. Niamh Kane

    Hi Anne your spidey senses must have kicked in to keep the kids home early good work. I dig naming your clot Walter what a really grounded way to manage something that could otherwise overwhelm anyone. I totally agree with your sentiments “we work out how we can plan changes rather than plan to continue our lives as they were before. I think there’s great capacity for many structures and platforms to change for the better. Thanks for sharing it got the brain fog cogs turning 🙂

  10. Carrie Kellenberger

    Hi Raisie! I totally forgot to write about my COVID19 nightmares in this month’s write-up and related to what you wrote right away. I’ve always been a dreamer, but my dreams have been really weird lately. I’m so sorry to read about Walter (although what a great idea to name these things) and that you got robbed. How stressful!

    I think Sheryl’s last prompt for soothing was great this month because finding those hobbies has been key to dealing with the extra stress from all this. I’m glad you linked to your IG. Following and look forward to next month’s update. Take care!
    Carrie Kellenberger recently posted…Fibromyalgia Awareness Day on May 12 and Chronic Voices

  11. Rhiann

    Hello again Anne, it’s great seeing you for another month. I hope you are doing as well as can be despite the difficult situation we are all currently experiencing at present.

    I particularly loved your entry for soothing; it’s an excellent prompt for this month as I think we are all in need of soothing from our favourite hobbies and pastimes to help combat the stress and anxiety that we are all feeling. And also help stave off the boredom that is setting in for so many!

    And how novel naming your blood clot Walter! Love this, always think it’s so important to try and see the funny side in situations and this a great way of keeping spirits up despite the horrible circumstances! Good for you! Take care x

    • Anne Sweet

      Thanks Rhiann. I’ll be writing my post for June any day now…how time flies when you are busy doing nothing! Walter is not giving me too much bother, we’ll be seeing if he is behaving later in the year. Take Care x

  12. Alison

    Hello Anne, thank you so much for sharing!
    COVID19 has hit us all to varying extents, and I am glad to hear that you and your family are getting through it as safely as you can!
    So glad that you guys are able to get tested regularly – testing is a big issue here in the US!
    Sounds like you’ve had a stressful time, too!
    I hope Walter behaves and that the bank issues get resolved – I’m so sorry you were robbed, I’d feel pretty violated by that treatment – I’m really glad your bank was good about it though.

    I hope you continue to do well – take care!

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