Reader Interactions


  1. Emma

    It makes me so happy to here that you enjoyed a trip out Anne! We did the same on Sunday, going to visit Mike’s mum at a distance in her garden and it really helped to cheer me up. The weather looks to be improving again soon so hopefully safe ventures out of the house become a bit more frequent now 🙂 I absolutely love a storm too. We’ve just been sitting listing to the rain and thunder like little kids, making big gasping sounds and everything. It’s so refreshing to focus on nothing but a storm! #wotw

  2. Becca

    We’ve had some great storms here too this week. I love a storm. I like falling asleep to the sound of the rain. My twins always seem to sleep better when it’s raining too. #wotw

  3. Laurie

    I’m glad to hear that you went out and that it went well. I love a good thunderstorm too – as long as I am not cuaght outside in it. Once, in a race, a big thunderstorm came up. I got scared and the man running next to me joked that I should just run with someone taller than me. That way, the taller person would get hit by lightning first. I looked up at him and said “YOU’RE taller than me!” 🙂

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