Reader Interactions


  1. joanne

    We just redecorated our teens bedroom and while he didn’t want new bedding we did repaint the walls, find him a comfy chair and he got rid of so much stuff I just could not believe it (since he’s always been my pack rat!). It was fun and ever since we finished he does spend most of his time in there now; he just LOVES it! #MMBC
    joanne recently posted…My Prime Purchases From June

  2. upodesk

    We just repainted our teenager’s bedroom and when she didn’t want a new bed we were able to repaint the walls, get her a comfortable chair and get rid of a lot of things she couldn’t believe (since she’s always my pack rat! ). It was fun and he spent most of his time there now whenever we finish; She just loves it!
    upodesk recently posted…test

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